Stories of Kindness from Around the World

A Hedgehog and a Hug

--by mindyjourney, posted Sep 6, 2018
In the horticulture building of the county fair, among the prizewinning flowers and veggies, found this darling little hedgehog, being held by the event hostess.

“Oh, may I pet him?” I asked, never having petted a hedgehog before!

Carefully and with the grain of his “needles,” I patted him.

His owner and I chatted about how he was a good pet; how he’d curl up in a protective ball if he felt threatened or anxious. She spoke so gently and reverently while stroking him. It was apparent she really loved that little hedgehog.

❤️ ❤️ ❤️

Two young boys came bounding into the building, flushed from the heat. One held a few crumpled dollars in his hand. “Mom! I don’t have enough!”

He meant it wasn’t enough for for him and his friend to play in the inflatables. Seemed he had enough for himself, but he wasn’t going to go without his buddy.

(MisterM and I had seen the inflatables, deflated, lined up and ready to be filled with air and turned into a jumping paradise for the children.)

“I don’t have anymore,” his mom replied regretfully.

Grateful for this opportunity, I said, “Please, let me — and here’s a Smile card,” while digging in my mini purse for some cash and a card. “Just pay it forward sometime, if you can.” :)))

The one boy, the buddy with no cash, reached up and hugged me! 🤗 🕊 ❤️

It has been a long time since I had a hug from an 8 years of age boy...and oh, it was the sweetest and so from the heart hug I’ve had in a long time!!!! It was warm, strong, long and full of life. I could feel the gratitude pour from his heart directly into mine.

Then, in a flash the boys raced out and I heard the hugger say to his friend, “Let’s go have some FUN!”

Are we having FUN yet, my kind friends??? You bet!

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Readers Comments

mish wrote: What a wonderful share, twinnie! Oh so cute the little hedgie & such a sweet kindness exchange...hugs for your kindness! Love it all. ❤️
michelelpurce wrote: oh yes we are having fun every day! :) what a nice gesture and at the same time showing the boys an example of kindness. :) those ripples just keep coming! :)
ryandavid wrote: you are kindness mindyjourney, thru and thru :)))))))))
2KittyFamily wrote: What pure kindness through and through - the hedgehog petting, the boy having enough for himself but not being willing to go without his friend, you handing him the cash and smile card, and his hugging you. I have a tear in my eye.
DANCE wrote: ohhhh loved reading this, how lovely
ruru wrote: I cried I made me feel so good, and happy.
healingtree wrote: Definitely having fun, and the more I look at that sweet little hedge hog, the more fun I have! Seriously, that was some good kind loving you got going on there, Mindy, with that grateful 8-year-old, and if it was the sweetest and "so from the heart hug" you've had in a long time (warm, strong, long and full of life) I'd have to say that it's the same for stories of RAOK. What you felt from your hug I felt from your story, as if I was right there, And just as YOU could, directly, I could feel the gratitude pour from his heart directly into yours and from yours as we all read about the incident, into all of ours. That;s how it works. Just flows and flows. The love grows, the love goes on...
leoladyc728 wrote: the hedgehog is so cute. thanks for making it a great day for those boys
gardengal10 wrote: Thanks for keeping the fun going. You have some of the most interesting conversations!
kjoyw wrote: Just full of wonderful! You and hubby are such a force of Loving Kindness! Think hedgehogs are so amazing and so cute! 🦔❤️🦔

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