Stories of Kindness from Around the World

School Supplies For Children

--by myfbil, posted Oct 4, 2018
With the help of others, I organized a collection of school supplies. Forty backpacks filled with school supplies were donated to needy children, along with two boxes of school supplies for teachers with a total value of approximately $1,100. It's amazing what we can accomplish when we work together!
759 Reads

Readers Comments

lindariebel wrote: Teachers are our heroes.
mish wrote: Good stuff!!!👍👍👍👏🏻
janfour wrote: yippee!!!!!!
myfbil wrote: Thank you! :)
Helenconnell2 wrote: Brilliant x
michelelpurce wrote: team work makes the dreams work! :)
kjoyw wrote: Well done! And, yes, working together we can accomplish great things! 👍
mindyjourney wrote: We are soooo more than the sum of us :)))). Well done, my friend. Children so need the support and supplies for a good education!
Horse-friend wrote: Great result for many actions... Thank you for sharing...
leoladyc728 wrote: fantastic. so needed. I know places in NYC do this too. I have been providing books for parents for their kids

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