Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Good Deeds Don't Go Unnoticed

--by mellymel1222, posted Nov 20, 2009

I work in a restaraunt that has a program working with ex con's and the homeless. There is a guy who started working with us as a dishtanker and he told me his story one day.

He lived in Florida, (we're in Ohio now) and he received information that he owed child support on a 6 year old boy. Well this was news to his ears because he didn't even know he had a kid! He came to Ohio to to clear this matter up and took a DNA test that determined that the kid was his. He was PROMPTLY put in jail for owing over $19,000 in back child support. He stayed in jail for 9 months and when he was released he was homeless, jobless.

Instead of giving up on his kid and going back to Florida where he had plenty of family and help, he stayed in Ohio and used assistance from the Government to get into a program at the YMCA. He got a job at my restaraunt and 3 weeks after getting his job, he mets his son for the first time. So I asked him, "What's it like living at the YMCA and knowing you have a boy out there?"

He said he stayed in Ohio because he couldn't bare to leave a piece of himself here undiscovered. He liked living at the Y because they were helping him have a relationship with the boy. The only thing he didn't like was that he didn't have a T.V. or a microwave.   So, I got on Freecycle and I found him a T.V. and a microwave. My friend, Chuck, gave me a ride to pick up the microwave, and a nice Chinese lady dropped the T.V. off at my house. I took them to work and made this guy's day. (Eric, is his name BTW and he was grateful)

A month later I got called into the office at work the other day. My general manager and an assistant were sitting there wanting to have a "talk" with me. Of course I was nervous, as you have to have two people present to get fired, and I was thinking, "What could I have done wrong?"

The general manager, Steve, went into his speech. "Melanie, there was an incident that occured here around December that involved you. Can you think of what I'm talking about?" I was thinking, and shaking my head, No? And Steve said, "Well it involved you getting a microwave and a T.V. for Eric, do you recall that?" I said, "Yes?"

Steve said, "Once a month we pick an employee who has gone above and beyond to help out a fellow employee or customer. We put their names in a pool and write up reason's why we think this person is deserving. I picked you, because I just thought it was so awesome that you thought of helping someone out just for the sake of being helpful! The General Managers vote on the person they think is most deserving, and you won!"

At this point I was about to faint because I thought I was getting fired and Steve presented me with a name tag, with MY name especially made just for me!! You may ask, "Why is she so exicted that she got a name tag for giving someone a T.V. and a microwave?" My answer? Because it felt good to help someone in need and in the end no matter WHAT the recognition, the point is I was recognized! My good deed produced another one! Good Deeds are contagious!

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Readers Comments

jsmc10 wrote: Wow, thank you for helping this guy out, it must have made ripples throughout his new found family :)
oldgirl wrote: You did something for another person in need, not expecting anyone else to notice it mellymel1222. So how great that your employers acknowledged and rewarded your kindness mellymel1222.
Unix83 wrote: Wow! I love this, i'm very new to this site, but i love reading about how there are wonderful people helping others out! You didn't only impact your co-worker, but you impacted others! That's awesome! That's a huge reward. Galations 6:9 says: "and let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart. " much love and well done, melanie! :)
Melanie wrote: The point of this whole story? People see what you do even if your not expecting it! I try to be nice because i want people to be nice to me!
ebes wrote: That is a lovely story sweetheart. Well done!
iferlamb wrote: It was an waesome thing that you did! Congratulations on the recognition too!

BumMiggity wrote: "good deeds are contagious! " well said melanie!
Sunbird wrote: Good deeds are contagious. Mahalo
warmth wrote: Simply grt of u to help eric and i m so happy you got ur due recognition even though you were not expecting it
Vuyo wrote: The bible says your labour of love is not in vain. So keep it up! There is more, the more you give! Get ready to receive! Hebrews 6:10-12 for god is not unrighteous to forget your work and labour of love, which ye have. And in your love to us, see that ye abound in this grace also. . Forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the lord. .

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