Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Contagious Kindness

--by dandeliongirl, posted Nov 3, 2018
Happy Saturday !
I found a few more smile cards in an old wallet and so I paid the bill for a couple out at a local restaurant last night. I am but an instrument to be used for passing on kindness, and then hoping it spreads.

If something is going to be contagious, it should be Smiles and Kindness - trying to infect as many people as I can:).

Have a great weekend y'all<3.
709 Reads

Readers Comments

mindyjourney wrote: You mean not a cold contagion? :))) Thank you for paying for meal, my friend and sharing a SMILE card :))
Mish wrote: Yes, better to infect w/kindness, rather than a cold (see my post 🤣). Well done by you 👍
DANCE wrote: Thank you for your kindness, have a good weekend too
Painiacs wrote: What a wonderful way to end the day. Not only filling a stomach but filling their soul
Brindlegirl wrote: Oh you are so beautiful. Bless you for your kindness 😚
leoladyc728 wrote: great kindness
Rajni wrote: You did a wonderful job of spreading kindness. We never know how BIG smiles and kindness become with ripple effect. It may make someone's day or may change someone's life for better. Thanks for sharing.

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