Stories of Kindness from Around the World

World Food Day

--by kmbhai, posted Nov 2, 2018
I shared dinner with two special boys who live alone. Thanks to both of them for giving me this opportunity. They don't have too many choices in food.

Only on very few occasions do they get an opportunity to have more variety in their food, so I invited them for dinner with me. We watched some entertainment programs on T.V. and had dinner together. It was a very heart touching moment. I was so happy and felt true love in my heart.

Happy World Food Day !!
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Readers Comments

ryandavid wrote: it's been said that .... give and you shall receive. Wonderful post !!
Mish wrote: Beautiful, Kmbhai 👍💕. And it's your birthday this week 🎈
Mish wrote: We plan to make a donation via The Greater Good website in honor of World Food Day 🙏
mindyjourney wrote: Thank you for doing, dear kmbhai :))). As always you guide by example!
1sher wrote: wonderful to bread bread~
leoladyc728 wrote: you are filled with much love for these children
unknown wrote: :))))))
kjoyw wrote: Bless you for your wonderful kindness with these dear children. Thank you for sharing this. Younare so inspiring to so many of us. Bless.
DANCE wrote: wonderful to share that time together

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