Readers Comments
ryandavid wrote: it's been said that .... give and you shall receive. Wonderful post !!
Mish wrote: Beautiful, Kmbhai ðŸ‘💕. And it's your birthday this week 🎈
Mish wrote: We plan to make a donation via The Greater Good website in honor of World Food Day ðŸ™
mindyjourney wrote: Thank you for doing, dear kmbhai :))). As always you guide by example!
1sher wrote: wonderful to bread bread~
leoladyc728 wrote: you are filled with much love for these children
unknown wrote: :))))))
kjoyw wrote: Bless you for your wonderful kindness with these dear children. Thank you for sharing this. Younare so inspiring to so many of us. Bless.
DANCE wrote: wonderful to share that time together