Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Improvising Lipstick

--by RoseMarie, posted Dec 1, 2018

They sat like two little school girls in the corner of the school courtyard. Unaware that they were being watched, they were joyful and innocent. I was intrigued as I passed them and as I approached, they started to hide what they were doing.

What they were doing was using an old red pen discarded by a student, and they were trying to use this to paint their lips red. Of course, my intention was not to embarrass them but when I approached the one who was getting her lips 'painted red' by the other, quickly covered her mouth. When I saw the red pen in the other's hand, I realised what they were doing. The one who was getting her lips painted, ran away and into the cleaner's room which is her base in work.

How innocent! Such joy from such a basic thing.

Of course, I cannot leave this and pretend I didn't see what was happening. I have gone out this weekend and purchased a lipstick, lip liners, a blusher, eyeshadow palate and a new makeup bag. I will give to her tomorrow.

Next time I grumble to myself about my makeup running low, I will remember this incident and I hope I am always filled with gratitude for what I have.

My dear friends, we must always count our blessings no matter what our situation, there are so many with so much less.

(Working in the Middle East)

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Readers Comments

Mish wrote: Yours is always a loving-heart and an acute awareness of opportunities for kindness, dear Rose 🌹 Marie. Bless you. So happy to see you back here with us. Love you ❤️
mindyjourney wrote: Thank you for taking the initiative to encourage them :))) Wonderful to see you here,my friend! Welcome 🙏
michelelpurce wrote: so wonderfully kind of you to do that. it is the little things and wouldn't it be nice if we as adults could still make do with what we have and be excited about it? :)
healingtree wrote: RoseMarie, what a sweet friend you are being to these women....just makes me feel the Love from across the miles pure and blessed
leoladyc728 wrote: so sweet. the girl will so enjoy her gifts
Lilijourney wrote: Your mission is a laudable one , dear rose marie

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