Readers Comments
bluebell wrote: I must say that I find the magic of life awsome, one person's lack of sensibility can be a gift to another to provide an act of kindness. Love and Light, Bluebell
JuneBug wrote: What a wonderful post !! Yes, the one lady was cruel to do that to you and your son but God sends us angels.I am sure you have paid it forward many times from that lesson !!! :)
Aurelia wrote: Kindness Matters :)
I wonder if you your son still has that car...or is it on your dresser? LOL :) Smiles are Contagious. Thanks for the great story. ~Aurelia
I wonder if you your son still has that car...or is it on your dresser? LOL :) Smiles are Contagious. Thanks for the great story. ~Aurelia
sparkle wrote: My son still plays with the car, but when he has finished with it, I will definitely be keeping it!
grammagussie wrote: What a kind thing for the lady to try to make up for the clerks rudeness.I often wonder why people like her work with the public. thanks for sharing a happy ending. Smiles ~grammagussie~
liztree wrote: I'm always amazed when people give you a hard for trying to give them
But its funny how balance works....the pivotal moment in your life was the kindness of the stranger, but the kindness couldn't take place without prior rudeness. We always think Angels in disguise do go deeds. I sometimes wonder if there are some special Angels that volunteer for the difficult job of creating negative situations so that others may rise to height of their goodness. I call them Samaritan makers.
But its funny how balance works....the pivotal moment in your life was the kindness of the stranger, but the kindness couldn't take place without prior rudeness. We always think Angels in disguise do go deeds. I sometimes wonder if there are some special Angels that volunteer for the difficult job of creating negative situations so that others may rise to height of their goodness. I call them Samaritan makers.
Ashly wrote: Very sweet post.Kindness, like a boomerang, always returns.
Thanks for sharing my friend:-)
Thanks for sharing my friend:-)
harriet wrote: Gold bless your angel!
myfbil wrote: There was an angel at the bootfair that day. Thanks for sharing.
Have a sunshine day! :)
Have a sunshine day! :)
JeanieMarie wrote: Sparkle, you too are angel for sharing your story with us. How good god is!