Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Foundation Building

--by kiwicat , posted Jan 9, 2019
There is a construction zone next door. I live in the inner city, even though I have a house, not an apartment, our neighbours are very close. We were woken up at 6.50am by loud voices - the concrete layers arrived 40 mins before they are legally allowed to start work. I decided that I wouldn't get out of bed to express myself (lol) but just to leave it.

A bit later, I went outside and the concrete layer apologised for his early start. He had left home early but there wasn't much traffic so arrived early. We had a chat about traffic, and the lack of parking in the street. All was forgiven.

For the rest of the morning I have gotten the royal treatment. They stopped cars from parking outside my house so I didn't have to lug my shopping up the hill in the heat, and even helped lift some heavy grocery bags for me!

I'm very thankful that I didn't get grumpy this morning, and my kind self was first.
1007 Reads

Readers Comments

mindyjourney wrote: Glad you focused on the positive and it circled back around to you :)).
deepee wrote: You did the right thing by leaving it alone.
DotMatrix wrote: Ah well done Kiwicat!
Iman wrote: hnm amazing...
melnotes wrote: Wonderful unfolding of events Kiwicat and all worked out perfectly!
anna97210 wrote: love this story
wavingatyou wrote: All's well that ends well <3
sd507439 wrote: Do not stir muddy water. —buddha
Christine88 wrote: Beautiful story.

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