Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Accepting a Blessing and Passing It On

--by smiletoday, posted Dec 7, 2009

Last Sunday, a woman told me that she felt led to give me twenty dollars.  She wanted me to use the money for whatever I needed.  I tried not to take it, but she insisted and so I took it and thanked her.  I didn't need the money, but I knew there must be a reason for her giving it to me.

The next day, Monday, I went to work.  A different woman was walking by the store I worked at.  She was limping, and didn't look to be very well.  I knew her and called out, asking her how she was doing.

She responded with her sad situation.  Her husband had died recently, she had to quit her job because of her health, and on top of that, she wasn't drawing her disability benefits as yet.  I told her the story about the $20, and asked her if she would accept it.  She tried not to take it, just as I had done, but finally I got her to take it.  Before she went on her way, she let me know that she really needed the money, and she thanked me.

The lesson I learned was:  don't pass up someone trying to give you a blessing because there just might be a reason for it.  Just accept it and pass it on!

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Readers Comments

irishgirl wrote: How cool the chain of events here. That $20 dollar bill made it into just the right hands and both you and the woman who initially gave it to you were part of that without even knowing how it would play out from the start.
Manohar wrote: Wonderful note.
warmth wrote: Well said. Thank u for sharing your nice story. God bless u
luv4all wrote: Priceless advice
SophiaB11 wrote: I love your story. It is very wise! For far too long i was uncomfortable accepting things from anyone. I had the attitude that someone else needed it more than i did. I did come to realize that that was true and i could be the one to find the person that needed it more. This is true abundance in life. It was never about the $20. Giving and receiving is priceless.
Uhave2laff wrote: Reminds us that not only is goodness and kindness all around, but that the story is not always about us. Thank you for sharing.
Sparkie wrote: Ya know, i never thought of it like that. I myself have a hard time accepting someone trying to give me something. Next time i will be more gracious and accept the blessing. Maybe i'll be able to pass it on to some one else. Thanks for the inspiration :)
Daniel wrote: Happy story, full of goodness, and awe in the triumph of giving.
AsianWoman wrote: Lord the god works in mysterious ways!
Ashok Jindal wrote: Really practical and inspiring. Thank you for sharing.

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