Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Love For Furry And Feathered Beings

--by sd507439, posted Mar 8, 2019
Volunteered at the animal shelter to do anything from scoop poop to assist in surgery.
Went to the cages and talked to the fur babies and said that they are good doggies or sweet kitties. Spent more time with those who seemed distressed. Wish I could take them all home, but that would be hoarding and not a good thing. Put bread crumbs out for the birds as tomorrow will be very cold.
Gave staff gratitude cards and a Peace Dove with a $25 donation. Smiling heart ❤️
757 Reads

Readers Comments

Christine88 wrote: Very sweet
leoladyc728 wrote: wonderful way to volunteer
Sumi wrote: World needs more people like you.
Mish wrote: I love this. Thank you for doing, Sally. Bless.

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