Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Beauty Tips for Your Soul

--by anju73, posted Jan 4, 2010

Here are a few primping tips to increase the beauty of your soul:

A dear old lady was asked what she used to make her complexion so beautiful and her whole being so bright and attractive. Here is her advice on healthy soulcare:
"I use for my lips, truth
I use for my voice, kindness
I use for my ears, compassion
I use for my hands, charity
I use for my figure, uprightness
I use for my heart, love
I use for any who do not like me, peace."


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Readers Comments

Toto wrote: That's absolutely inspiring. Thanks for sharing.
Jacinda wrote: Wow anju! I love this :) i'm definately going to copy this one down! Very beautiful & meaningful! I hope you have a wonderful day! Love & smiles, jacinda
cabbage wrote: That is truly beautiful! Thank you.
unknown wrote: Beautiful :)
vsoul wrote: Very meaningful words and you are a living example of this. Carry on! Love.
FairyBubbles wrote: That is so lovely. I have printed this so I can keep it in my book of beautiful things.
With love.
sparkle wrote: That's great, thanks Anju. I particularly like the last line. Something for me to think about :) xxx
Sanyogita wrote: The Most inpiring lines......
Thanks for sharing....
Aurelia wrote: Very Nice. :0) I wrote it in my journal.
Ashly wrote: Excellent post....Thanks Anju:)

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