Stories of Kindness from Around the World

An Opportunity to Help Someone Like My Mother

--by vsoul, posted Dec 28, 2009

I was visiting a friend in Delhi yesterday, together we went to visit a temple.

While my friend was parking the car outside the temple, I saw an old woman asking for money from the people in the car next to ours. They ignored her, the car just pulled out of parking and drove off. I took out some money to give her.

When I got off the car, I saw that the woman was using a walker support to help her walk and she looked quite troubled.  I went up to her and asked what her problem was. She said that she needed money to get to the hospital. I patted her on the shoulder and gave her enough money so that she could hire a rickshaw and go comfortably instead of taking public transport, which can be very bad in India.

When we returned from the temple, she again walked up to us with folded hands and thanked us. I told her that she was my mom's age and that she didn't need to thank me, it was my pleasure to help her. My friend offered her a food packet. That woman smiled and seemed to be so sincerely grateful.

In my life I always try to do kind deeds to as I belive that this what God wants us to do - to serve those who are in need.


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Readers Comments

loveself wrote: Great way of worshipping, I must say.
helpinghand wrote: I appreciate your great way of thinking and great way of worshipping.
God Bless You And Your Friend.
warmth wrote: just today morning my ma-in-law was telling me that humanity comes above everything, if ur heart is pure and even if u dont go to the temple GOD will love u. U did the right thing and i am proud of u and thank u so much for sharing this wonderful experience of urs :)
sethi wrote: Thanks for being kind and abundant . It comes from within .
Ashly wrote: You are a very kind person Vibha...Whenever I see needy persons in railway stations or bus stand,I will give some money to them.I can see happiness in their eyes.It gives me so much of saisfaction that I cannot describe.
Love You Lots-Ashly.
innerjourney wrote: You were very kind to that old nice of you...Little acts that goes a long way....God bless you.
Love, Manish:)
Aurelia wrote: You are so loving and caring. Thanks for inspiring us :0) Beautiful You Are!
Sanyogita wrote: Ur simply amzing..... Words are few to describe what you are.Ur full of inspiration to all of us.
Thanks for teaching us to be more kinder....
deepula wrote: Thanks vsoul, mother, granny comes through several ways in our lives :)

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