Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Invisible Kindness - My Favorite

--by Horse-friend, posted Aug 7, 2019
Can my small act from today change the world? What has been yours?

I stood in the post office first one to come next. It was a small store and I had placed myself for people to enter and leave freely.

A lady with difficulties to walk came in, did not see me and walked straight to the second desk that had just been without customer. The clark looked at me as to say 'how can she ignore you? You are next!'

I smiled friendly at him and gestured, 'it is okay.' He answered to her wishes.

Kindspring has nourished and watered me to become again a woman deeply emersed in the beauty of life. This way I can actually be generous, not only act as if.

Thank you!
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Readers Comments

mindyjourney wrote: Thank you for keeping a focused center of kindness, my friend :). When we live from that mindfulness, every moment shines with such opportunities ❤️ 🕊
patjos wrote: How lovely! Yes, I too have done a small act today. Encouraged a friend to begin a project and she said to me "We could change the world if we had the chance Patrick" - little does she know :) so I am being a change in her life and she in others now :)))
SissyLee wrote: Your sweetness is an inspiration.
MakeSomeoneSmile wrote: Small acts are not small acts at all, as the ripple they create goes farther than we ever know!
ado wrote: Very kind of you. In those situations one usually lets people ahead. I am sure there are others who won't extend the courtesy.
Rajni wrote: Your attitude of Kindness cared for that lady and let her buy without offending. You did a good job. You are not a loser. God will definitely bless you.
dotmatrix wrote: Nice. ♥.
Mish wrote: You are beautiful ❤️
Horse-friend wrote: Thank you for your comments, I appreciate them!

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