Stories by horse-friend (5 matches)

Animals As My Teachers

Today a creative friend and me started working again through 'The Artist's Way' (it is my 30th or something time, I stopped counting the 25th time – I still love this book and Julia Camerons other books and the change they have brought into my life!). My commitment is to draw/paint/contact/massage an animal every day for the next 12 weeks. I am excited and thrilled and feel also a bit insecure about this new commitment. The last weeks have made me aware that animals have been my dominant role model when it comes to 'small acts of kindness and respect'. They always act anonymously, what they do is always small in the moment, they first take care of themselves, they do not bargain or lay out hidden hooks, they are willing to give into the huge circle of life while being part of it themselves, they just do their way and leave ... Read Full Story >>

1100 Reads

Caterpillar Crossing

Today I helped a caterpillar by carrying it to the other side of the street. There were many cars whizzing by, and I wanted to make sure it made it across.

989 Reads

A New KInd of Bargaining

I happened upon a flea market today and even had enough time to walk through it. Most things did not catch my interest until I saw this coat. I asked for the price, figuring it to be around 35€.

The lady said, "5€,"
to which I replied,  "really!‘ 
She asked if it was too much.
"No, too little," I replied.
I tried it on and even thought it was a tad large, I just loved it and gave her 10€ and said, "I would feel bad giving you less."

Kindspring and small acts of Kindness have changed me. My relationship to money has changed. It felt so good to be able to offer her what I did. Whenever I wear the coat I will remember this and who I've become.


869 Reads

How Can The Small ...

How can the small growth of plants change perspectives?

Going into the urban gardening project yesterday I intended to take photos to share with you. Being in the garden I again completely forgot.

Here are some actions I did yesterday:
Watering community plants:the raspberries, tomato’s,  paprika, grass, plum trees, apple trees
unweeding: raspberries 
Put some support branches under the loaded plum tree branches

community square: watering: tomato’s 1 & 2, paprica, zucchini, pumpkins, , newly planted fennel,

my appreciation for the value of one tomato, one apple, one carrot has increased immensely doing gardening. How valuable it would be for children to experience that! 

596 Reads

Invisible Kindness - My Favorite

Can my small act from today change the world? What has been yours?

I stood in the post office first one to come next. It was a small store and I had placed myself for people to enter and leave freely.

A lady with difficulties to walk came in, did not see me and walked straight to the second desk that had just been without customer. The clark looked at me as to say 'how can she ignore you? You are next!'

I smiled friendly at him and gestured, 'it is okay.' He answered to her wishes.

Kindspring has nourished and watered me to become again a woman deeply emersed in the beauty of life. This way I can actually be generous, not only act as if.

Thank you!

350 Reads

'horse-friend' Also Commented on These Stories

Taking Time to Care

Extra Love On Correspondence

There Is Always Support

Helping An Old Woman Collect Money

Leaving Bubbles and Balls for Kids at a Park

Learning Love

A Prescription for Compassion

This Simple Act Of Kindness Left Her Feeling Connected and In Tears

Ripples At The Bakery

Letting Others In