Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Act of Kindness

--by Helenconnell2, posted Aug 15, 2019
Young people often seem to get a bad image especially from the media. I wanted to share my experience this morning, to show how unfair that image is.

Richard and I were walking towards the bus, and there was a bin on the sidewalk, and a car was parked partly on the sidewalk too, making it difficult to walk. A boy of about ten came round the corner on a scooter and I stopped. As soon as he saw us he stopped his scooter, moved back into a better position and let us through first.

I gave him a big smile and thanked him for such a lovely act of kindness.
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Readers Comments

patjos wrote: :))) How lovely. I hope you enjoyed your walk too :)
Mish wrote: He was a well brought up young fellow 👍
MakeSomeoneSmile wrote: Very nice!
mindyjourney wrote: Making a kind space 😊...more often than not that is the truth!
kjoyw wrote: 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
kjoyw wrote: 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

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