Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Green Bean Kindness

--by gardengal10, posted Sep 6, 2019
It's Saturday morning. I went to the farmers' market as usual. Our garden green beans are pathetic, so I was on a quest to find some there. Found what I wanted, but the containers were HUGE. I asked one of the vendors if I could have a handful and handed him my small container. He overfilled it much to my protests. When I asked him what I owed him, he said that he had dropped more on the pavement this morning than was in my container. There was no charge. What a unexpected gift!
507 Reads

Readers Comments

Mish wrote: Love these spontaneous kind acts 👍👍👍
mindyjourney wrote: Fresh veggies and kindness! Tx for the share, my friend :)
DANCE wrote: so kind
DotMatrix wrote: Very kind!
kjoyw wrote: So great are these unexpected kindnesses! How do you fix them? I never feel that I do fresh green beans justice?

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