Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Taxi Cab Friendship

--by smilinghearts, posted Nov 26, 2019
I needed to rent a car, so I decided to get a rental from the airport.

On the way to the airport, I struck up a conversation with my cab driver. I found out he was a refugee from Iraq, and I tried to be especially kind. I learned he has been separated from his wife and son for five years, but they are arriving next month!

When we reached the airport, I gave him a good tip, so that he could get his wife flowers when they reunite. :) I was grateful that he called me his friend.

Before parting ways, he gave me his phone number, in case I ever “need anything"!
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Readers Comments

Mish wrote: Full of kindness 💕💕💕💕💕
mindyjourney wrote: Thank you for your listening kind heart and generosity ❤️ !
Christine88 wrote: That is so sweet.

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