Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Working For My Community To Make It A Better Place

--by Brad2, posted Nov 28, 2019
I haven't posted that much recently, but have done on average 10-12 random acts of kindness per day since my last post. I don't post because I made a promise to God to do something about the gang problem in my community.

Once almost overrun by gangs and listed as a dangerous community, I have spent a lot of time walking, visiting, helping others when it mattered, in creating peace, for my community. Slowly, day by day, my community is healing, because I've kept my promise to God. I believe in God, he saved me during a dark time in my life. Now I do his work, for peace.

But this is sort of why I'm posting today. It snowed last night, then a freezing rain, covering everything with a thin film of ice, including the highways, creating an emergency situation.

Going to the store to check my lottery tickets, I had difficulty crossing the highway because of the ice. After crossing, this woman came up, trying to stop, sliding across the crosswalk, through the other lane, almost going into the ditch, her eyes wide open, brakes locked, unable to do anything. After she got control, she slowly drove off. So then I thought, this a dangerous corner...

I approached the businesses around and got permission, found a bucket, filled it with sand and pea gravel to put the sand on that corner. This took me eight buckets, but eventually got this corner sanded. People were honking their horns as they drove by, an officer thanked me, the paving company where I got the sand thanked me, this woman pulled over to give me a cup of jello, another gave me a chocolate bar.

I wasn't expecting anything, so this was appreciated. As one of the snow angels here in my community, I missed shoveling sidewalks and ramps for elders and for those in wheel chairs last year because of my shoulder injury, I intend to get my wings, even with one good shoulder. Interesting though, after I had finished sanding this busy corner, cloudy as it was, the sun came and started to shine, someone drove by and told me that the sun was shining only in one spot, this ray of sunlight, shining where I was, coincidence? Maybe, I think God heard my prayer... to help me. 

And the ice? It started melting...
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Readers Comments

J.L. wrote: @brad2 ~ god definitely hears your prayers! He continues to deliver hope & never changes. Keep being his humble servant. Your greatest reward lies ahead!
Georgia wrote: Thank you! Your love and commitment are inspiring.
Mes wrote: Sending prayers for you and your community. One person can make a difference with god’s help.
1sher wrote: Wow brad,

Way to level up the inspiration! Thank you for the courage and diligence and commitment to peace. Not all wings are straight, some are uniquely angled like yours~

smileswithhope wrote: Wow, what an incredible act of love! Thank you for inspiring with your care-in-action for your local community. It's a gift to know that people like you exist. :)
Novice50 wrote: Beautiful post Brad - thank you for the activism and compassion you demonstrate every day.
gardengal10 wrote: You are a true angel to your community!
Mish wrote: Wow, Brad. Your prayer was definitely heard. I know, because I felt a chill when I read your words. Bless you. Peace.
petroskryf wrote: What an amazing story. Kindness on another level. Thank you for all you do in your community. 🧚🏻‍♀️
Rajni wrote: You did a wonderful job spreading sand on slippery road there by giving us an example what one man can do. Your positive attitude towards work and Faith in God is remarkable and very inspiring as well. Thanks for the post

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