Stories of Kindness from Around the World

One Act Magically Becomes Three

--by smilinghearts, posted Dec 3, 2019
Recently, I had my purse stolen. My primary reaction was “Well, it’s just stuff!

Nevertheless, I had to cancel my credit cards and make them replaced. Then today, I went to the post office, where a replacement card waited for me in the mail.

As I walked back to my car a woman from the post office yelled, “You dropped your credit card!” A man was standing quietly on the sidewalk with his bike. The woman said that a man had just brought it to her and described him.

I went to the man with the bike. I had a $100 bill and a $20 one. I decided to give him the $100. “This will go to the grocery store,” he said. and explained that his wife of 11 years had just left him and their two boys. “It’s been tough on the boys, but this will help.

We are living in a small town and after we introduced ourselves, he said, “We will see each other. Thank you!

We parted with smiles.
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Readers Comments

dotmatrix wrote: I'm so sorry your purse was stolen, but your reaction and actions were the stuff of hero stories. Beautiful share, thank you. Bless you for your generosity. I have been where that man is, and if not for the kindness of friends I hadn't yet met =) we would have been in big trouble. Blessings and hugs! ♥.
AndiCas wrote: An honest action followed by a generous one. The stuff friendships are made of.
pluto178 wrote: 45k credit limit........can we be friends lol. X
RoseMarie wrote: Beautiful. X
1sher wrote: Way to vibrate up smilinghearts~ we make our own magic!
LoveyDovey wrote: Great big hugs to you. Wonderful story. Thanks for sharing!

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