Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Children Are Real Heroes

--by kmbhai, posted Feb 11, 2020
I enjoyed some cleaning work with children today.
Yesterday, it was a full day of raining in our city. And it made everything wet and soggy. Especially, the play grounds are so wet. And children love the playgrounds so much.

So, today, I did cleaning works with children. We did sweeping, digging, dragging, putting the dry soil on wet places, making pitch, cutting the grass.
It was so much labor work.

But we enjoyed it and I also got an opportunity to see the children's real love and energy for sports and creativity. They enjoyed all of the work and they finished it very smartly and positively. They are real heroes...

Thanks to all of them!
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Readers Comments

drjoybug wrote: What a wonderful way to spend your time. I bet the children learned about working hard under rainy conditions ❣️❣️
mindyjourney wrote: Yes, working with children gives us such hope for the future! Good job by them and you, dear kmbhai :))))
Mish wrote: Teamwork amongst kindness group 👍👍❤️
pluto178 wrote: Sounds great x

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