Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Lovely Restaurant Surprise

--by Helenconnell2, posted Mar 9, 2020
Last August when we visited our daughter at university we went to a meal and it was rather disappointing.
When I completed the survey, I said I was disappointed it wasn't up to the usual standard and that the restaurant itself wasn't properly ventilated. I gave them my email address and asked them to contact me.

A member of the management team contacted me and asked for my phone number so they could discuss it with me. Katie rang me and we had a great conversation. She asked me to let her know when we would be coming again. We went to visit our daughter again yesterday so last week I emailed Katie and she booked us in. We had a great meal and Richard and I had a glass of wine each. When I asked for the bill they had only charged for the wine which was a lovely surprise.

I emailed her this morning to thank her so much for doing this.

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Readers Comments

Mish wrote: Wow. That’s what I call really great responsive customer service. Good on them & good you had shared about your disappointment. Bravo 👏🏻
gardengal10 wrote: I would definitely patronize a business that was so concerned about its service to customers. Good for you for kindly pointing out your problem.
Rajni wrote: Free meal gives us an opportunity to pay it forward. Restaurant offered you free meal for giving them opportunity to improve by showing them their mistakes. You did a wonderful job giving restaurant an opportunity to improve.
kmbhai wrote: good to learning..
OlivierChhu wrote: Great to hear that story! Great to hear that clients can provide constructive feedbacks, and that they can be used in a positive way :)

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