Stories of Kindness from Around the World

An Opportunity to Pay-it-Forward

--by iferlamb, posted Feb 7, 2010

Yesterday, I popped out of the office to go to Starbucks.  I offered to bring back everyone’s coffee.  One of my co-workers was very sweet and said they would pay for my coffee.  So I thought – what a GREAT opportunity to "pay -it-forward"!

I went through the drive-thru and placed our order.  When I reached the window to pay, I told the young lady I needed her help with something aside from our order. 

I gave her $4.00 and a Smile card.  I told her I wanted to anonymously buy someone's coffee today.  I asked her to chose whomever she wanted to be the recipient of the free coffee, pass them the card and explain that they have just experienced a random act of kindness and all that I ask is that they ‘pay- it-forward’ by doing something kind for someone else.  She thought it was very sweet and agreed to help me with my kindness mission.

I was smiling all the way back to work just knowing I made someone's day with a free treat!


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Readers Comments

Mrs. Florence Agyare wrote: That was great. You made it and we all have learnt from it. Guys lets try to make peoples' days the best days in their lives.
irishgirl wrote: What a cool gesture - i'll keep that in mind as something to try. I bet the recipient was quite surprised.
Cacayla wrote: You make me smile.
Aurelia wrote: Good For You! That's is SWEET! You've started a ripple effect now :0)
Thank you for the so incredibly kind.
Jacinda wrote: That is such an awesome story! Thank you so much for sharing :) Such a huge kind heart you have. Have a nice day, Jacinda :)
sethi wrote: You sure did . Thanks for the post .

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