Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Give What You Can

--by mindyjourney, posted Apr 20, 2020
I made extra for dinner and brought it to sister and her husband. She has Rheumatic arthritis and he is battling cancer (and doing very well). I was being extra careful, so I rang the bell 🔔 and left !!!

Sister has a very strong devotion to Mother Mary, so I decided to give her the Lady of Guadalupe print that we had gotten on our recent vacation to Mexico. Her husband texted and said that she loved the print ❤️.
Give what you can, my friends. Encourage and support 🙏
537 Reads

Readers Comments

gardengal10 wrote: Wonderful giving. The print is beautiful.
pluto178 wrote: Is it me or does that look like a key hole. X
Mish wrote: I know they are grateful you are back there, twinnie. ❤️
rajni wrote: Sister Mindy you rang the bell of kindness with dinner, love and Lady of Guadeloupe print. This will be heard for a long time. Thanks for sharing.

DANCE wrote: Bless u
lindariebel wrote: Mindy is such a good example of kindness!

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