Stories of Kindness from Around the World

The Journey of a Kindness Checkbook

--by iferlamb, posted Jul 11, 2011

The green box on talks about a $100 contest I submitted an idea that I would love to do.  I loved the idea so much that I decided to go ahead and do it, only on a smaller scale.  If I am selected as a winner of the $100 contest, I will do it on the large scale.  (fingers crossed) 

Since I work at a Bank getting the supplies for my idea was easy: a plastic checkbook cover and a transaction register (normally for a checking account).  Next I wrote a message on the inside cover:

"Congratulations!  You are currently the bearer of the Smile Transaction Register.  This kindness checkbook began its journey with $20.  Your only job is to keep it going.  Don't keep it long.  Look over the entries in the register to get some ideas of how to spread small acts of kindness.  You can either make a deposit if the funds are low (as your act of kindness) and make that your entry in the register as such.  Or you can make a withdrawal from the funds inside to make someone's day and then log that withdrawal in the register.  Please include: the date, the description of the transaction, and the amount.  Finish the entry by writing in the ending balance.  Before you pass it share your story in an email to and it's your choice whom you pass it on to.  Pass it on to someone who enjoys spreading smiles as much as you do!"

The next step was a little sacrificial leap of faith but I dove right in and put $20 in the back of the cover inside the plastic that would normally hold the book of checks.  I used a $5 bill and the rest $1 bills.  I also attached something I got from the index of kindness ideas  "Five bucks and Under".

Only one final step remained.  Who to give it to???  This one took a couple of days.  I thought and thought.  Yesterday the answer came -- the lady at the bird store!  She is very sweet and she is just a few steps away in our strip center.  So today on my lunch break I went in, enjoyed her peaceful music, (very tranquil) bought a clearance item ( a common practice of mine ), pet the kitty cat (I LOVE THAT!), paid for my purchase and then asked her to help me by taking the register and using some of the money to do a small act of kindness to make someone smile and then pass the register on to someone else so that they may do an act of kindness and on and on...

She took it and jokingly said "Me?  Do something nice for someone?" and then seriously asked "Me personally do this?" I said, "Yes," and I gave her a couple of examples, "buy a card for a friend, or if you're in line at the store and hear someone is short you can cover it for them, just something to make someone smile."  She seemed a bit confused by the idea but said she would do it.  I also told her about the email address to email the story to (that way I can share it with all of you).  I believe she will carry it out and I believe it will catch on and I will soon have lots of Smile transaction register stories to share with you all here as soon as they start rolling in.

Can't wait!  = )   

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Readers Comments

Bluebell wrote: Good Luck :) Love and Light, Bluebell
liztree wrote: That is really cool. Please us posted on progress!
myfbil wrote: This is a wonderful idea that i plan to borrow with a little change to it. I think i will start a register with no money and just ask people to take it, write down a kindness they have performed (costly little or nothing to them) and pass the register on. It'll be sort of like passing on the smile cards only keeping track of what follows. Hopefully one day it will be returned to me and it will be full of stories of kindness. Perhaps they too will show up here!

Have a sunshine day! :)
Debra wrote: I love this idea and i would love to be a part of it. I think kindness in the world today is so needed and usually so unexpected by the receiver. I say koudos for thinkin of this and be sure to keep us updated on the progress as it goes along.
Kandi wrote: That is a great idea! I love it! Can't wait to read where it goes!
Ann wrote: Not only do i hope this idea is a big success for you, but i hope many of the rest of us will do the same thing. Why not? Let's try! It's a great idea!
Tina wrote: Looking forward to following this! Keep us the good work!
Shelly wrote: Wow you are so amazing! What a fabulous idea! There are some people in my congregation that are really struggling. I have thought to buy a walmart gift card and put $25 or so on it and mail it to them with an anonymous note. I thought it would be fun. So. Toward the end of march i am going to start doing this. Your idea really sealed this in my mind( i say end of march because i just got a job after 2 years of unemployment.

Thanks for sharing your fabulous idea!
enchantedchilde wrote: Duuuuude. You are sooooooo gonna win! This is the greatest thing i have ever heard of! Wow! You rock!
killemwithkindness wrote: This has inspired me to start my own kindness checkbook too! Thanks for posting this and good luck with your venture.

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