Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Roses for a Grieving Daughter

--by palthi, posted Mar 1, 2010

Last Friday I used my first smile card. I was on my way to visit a social worker who runs an NGO to help her with her website. As she was suffering from flu, I thought some flowers and a smile card would surely cheer her up. So, I picked some roses on my way.

On my arrival at her place,  I offered the flowers and a smile card.  She was filled with emotions. She asked me whether there was a reason why I brought these flowers for her or it was just a coincidence. Coincidence?I felt that this act must have touched her deeply. She just lost her mum a few days back, she told me, and it was just what she needed at that moment.

We never know at what moment how our act of kindness could be a boost to someone: a smile, few words of kindness, a flower or may be just lending an ear. …


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Readers Comments

enchantedchilde wrote: Small acts can mean a world of difference. Thank you for giving beauty to the world :)
Sanyogita wrote: Your simple gestures did made a smile on her face. Thanks for been such a caring n loving on ur way.
MADY wrote: Thank you so so much for giving her asmile on her face,if i was neer by i would do the same.

Thanks for that love
Bluebell wrote: Very kind of you, love and Light, Bluebell
Jacinda wrote: Palthi what a lovely idea! Thank you so much for sharing. Love and Smiles, Jacinda
Aurelia wrote: Wow, What a beauitful thing to do. You were certainly at the Right place at the Right Time and "bearing gifts" to top it all off.
Thanks for being so thoughful.
sethi wrote: That was a great way of bringing a smile on somebody's face . Thank you .

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