Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Birthday Giving

--by mindyjourney, posted Jul 25, 2020

Since my birthday is in the heart ❤️ of summer and usually HOT! Mom always made Rice Krispie treats instead of a cake.

So, it’s a delightful memory and pleasure to share the same, along with some Peace Doves .

The label on each reads: “Treating you in celebration of my birthday! Visit for more kindness ideas.” Signed each personally with, “Love, Mindy”

Planning on leaving the goodie birthday baskets at the library, Senior Center and laundromat. For individual gives...mailman Greg, PO clerks, admission attendant at Custer State Park, etc…

A couple of FaceTime calls scheduled. Family over later for a weenie roast. MisterM and I will “camp” in our trailer camper overnight and under our carport!

Thank you all, for your kind birthday wishes, your loving support and encouragement. Each and every one of you is truly the wind beneath my wings.

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Readers Comments

Mish wrote: I’ve got the bubbly chilling for our birthday toast, twinner 🥂. Enjoy your kind celebrations 🥳
gardengal10 wrote: Did you order those by the gross?
kmbhai wrote: Happy birthday dear friend..🎂🎂🎂
dotmatrix wrote: Happy birthday dear Mindy. I came back today for a visit because I miss everyone not remembering it was your birthday today. So glad I chose today to reconnect for a bit. Happienest of birthdays dear one. ♥.
SissyLee wrote: Happy birthday to you!
rajni wrote: Nice Birthday celebration. We feel happy for you. Treats and doves will make many people happy too. Thanks for sharing.
scully wrote: Wow sounds like an a awesome birthday time Mindy!

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