Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Blanketed In Love 💕

--by mindyjourney, posted Oct 9, 2020
After learning that a good friend’s husband (back in IL) has been ill with CoVid, we had a blanket covered in positive words and vibes sent to them.

They live simply in a one bedroom, one bath home, so it’s not possible for my friend to follow the doctor’s suggestion to keep distance from her husband.

And besides, Janice is the KIND of soul who has always put loving kindness and compassion forward as a driving force. She exemplifies and LIVES the words on the blanket image below.

I’ll never forgot how she was the first one there when MisterM had a close call and ended up in the ER. She stayed the night with me in the visitor lounge, bringing snacks along with her open heart. 

We may not be physically close anymore (1000 miles between us), yet our hearts 💕 are forever united.

Much love and blessings to ALL that have connected to us along the journey of life and to those who have yet to come our way 🙏 🌎 🕊.

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Readers Comments

janfour wrote: all good thoughts to your friend and her husband
Mish wrote: I echo Janfour & that’s a very lovely, thoughtful gift ❤️🙏
Andicas wrote: Thinking of your friends <3
patjos wrote: He's going to be wrapped up in Love! :)
CatEd1989 wrote: Cozy
pluto178 wrote: If your partner has Covid you need to be able to look after them distancing is not possible if they are particularly good luck to may they both be fit and well soon x
LoveyDovey wrote: Lots of love, light and healing prayers going out to him.
gardengal10 wrote: You always seem to find and give the most appropriate gift.
Rajni wrote: May Almighty God help cure Janice's husband quickly and keep them safe and healthy. The blanket you sent is what she dearly deserved. This reminded me of " A friend in need is a friend indeed"
petroskryf wrote: I hope he recovers soon, and thank you for reaching out in your unique, caring way, dear Mindy. A lovely post as well. 💓

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