Stories of Kindness from Around the World

A Simple Person's Simple Ways to Become a Better Human Being

--by vsoul, posted Mar 27, 2010

Last night in the train, I was reflecting on how I make a concious effort to improve myself every day and came up with this in my notebook:

1) When I see someone doing a good gesture/behavior or I read a good qoute, then  2) I make a mental picture of that moment then 3) I  appreciate that person by saying or by sending an email then 4) I look for the first opportunity to apply it in my actions then 5) I act on it and feel good. And of course pat myself. Sometimes, I share this whole sequence with a few dear friends.

6) For the past 12 years or so, in my daily prayers I ask GOD to give me a chance to do something good. Recently, as I have started visiting a temple frequently in Delhi, I sit in front of the statue and tell God that I am leaving my bad things there and absorbing the good things. I feel that I am being washed from within and I am becoming much cleansed. I feel good internally and I try to spread it to those who are around me, known or strangers, alike.

I am a simple person and love to do things in simple ways. This is my way of shaping myself to become a better human being. And I love myself for this.

Many of the things shared here give me ideas and inspiration to apply and so you all are contributing in my journey of self growth. In gratitude...

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Readers Comments

innerjourney wrote: Nice to hear from you again vsoul...sharing lessens pain - sharing multiplies loving-kindness and compassion. And its only by sharing that we make this world a beautiful place. Let's all keep giving, loving and sharing. Love and Prayers, Manish:)
AnjuDV wrote: Love to have you back. Prayers - Anju
helpinghand wrote: Nice to have you back. Your post is beautiful. I liked it very much. I have also learnt a lot from help other's family.
keep smiling.
Bluebell wrote: Great to have you back. Love and Light, Bluebell
unknown wrote: vsoul - nice to hear your simplicity and ability to connect/help ... Just liked this post of yours. lovingly, deepula :)
Sydney wrote: I haven't taken the time to reflect on how i could improve myself in a long long time and reading this post has reminded me that i should do that and maybe even write it down like you did. Thanks for the inspiration.
sally wrote: Simple and lovely

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