Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Paying Forward a $500 Gift

--by songinmyheart, posted Apr 13, 2010

Every Wednesday for 2 years now, a group of us ladies goes to a special thrfit store to look for some bargains. At this store, you could buy anything you could put in a bag for  only $1!

I bought a few bags and came home to sort it all out on my kitchen floor, as I usually do. As I was looking at a men's leather coat, I started to check it for any flaws.  I felt something in a hidden inside pocket, so I pulled it out .  It was store purchase receipts, but I did not think much of it until I unraveled it and suddenly saw a $100 bill!!!! OH MY! Well, when my husband and I finished counting it all, it ended up being $500!  My husband and I were in shock! Unfortunately, there was no way to find out who the original owner was as these were clothes we bought from a thrift store.

Well the story goes that only four hours later, it was time to go to a meeting at our church. While we were there, a humble. young gentleman was visiting and he was asked about himself. He told us that he was going to college to become a missionary to El Salvador. His college attendance and education was free at this particualr college but he still had to pay an enrollment fee of guess how much??  $500!  And he did not know where that would come from.

We immidiately gave him the $500 we had found earlier that day and he was so very, very thankful and humble. We told him the story of how it came into our hands...everyone was so grateful!

We are still in awe!

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Readers Comments

JustB wrote: Don't you love how the universe works in mysterious ways:)?
bubblehugfairy wrote: Oh yes! Isn't it amazing how these things happen? Thank you so much for your kindness. I've had similar experiences, sometimes where i'm the one giving and others where i receive. I sold my small home & possessions to create/facilitate a volunteer literacy project in belize. I was running out of my own funds and happened upon a rotary club meeting; their speaker had cancelled at the last minute and when i introduced myself as a storyteller, they asked if i wanted to be their guest speaker! Of course, yes! After my speech, a hat was passed and they donated the exact amount of money i needed to continue volunteering for 6 more weeks! <3 we live in a wonderful world! :)
DaVinci PHARAOH wrote: Good & very inspiring: note: "he who bestows his goods upon the needy & poor, shall have as much again, and ten times more. "
twocents wrote: Beautiful how the money arrived just in time for you to pass it on to someone who needed it. Whenever we are responsive to that inter-connection, we end up being true angels in the world. Thank you for listening to your heart!
tiggerzzz wrote: What a beautiful and enlightening story. It was meant to be and happened for a reason. God bless you in this amazing journey here on earth and bless those who you help.
Koetsu wrote: Dear lisa and gino, wishing both of you a joyous hodaliy. I find that i cannot watch qvc since you left, lisa. I hope that you left by your wishes and not that you were forced out. I look forward to your book and signing events. Hopefully you can come to the freehold or east brunswick, nj barnes and noble. I will be sure to come out and see you. A happy new year and a great 2011.
Buff wrote: Dag naibbt good stuff you whippersnappers!
erinvictoria wrote: I just read another story that you wrote, and part of my comment to you was that i was in awe of your commitment to your community, then i read this story and you ended it with the words "we are still in awe". I just wrote that i was in awe about you, and a minute later read that you are in awe. We are on the same page my friend! Once again, your story made my heart smile. I just love this website and all of the wonderful things it does. I love watching the kindness revolution expand and change so many lives. It's so amazing.
Eric wrote: That is so cool god does so much cool stuff
Zevelina wrote: That`s something! Miracle*

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