Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Something Extra for An Expecting Server

--by mindyjourney, posted Jan 19, 2021
“Hello, my name is Marisa, and I’ll be your server,” our waitress introduced herself, setting down our menus.

Laughing Water Restaurant at Crazy Horse Memorial was in full decoration for the holidays. There was only one other family in the huge dining hall, which was great for social distancing, but not great for Marisa’s tips.

Obviously very pregnant, Marisa nonetheless served us with a cheerful demeanor, efficiency and consideration. Remembering how huge and miserable I felt when I was that pregnant, I had the urge to change our customary premade origami packet with a $5 gift certificate to a $50 bill instead for her tip.

As we left, I gave the packet to Marisa.  She was off in a corner, wrapping silverware in napkins.

I didn’t expect her to open the packet immediately, but she called to us as we were at the cashier, “Oh! Thank you!” The surprise and happiness in her voice were evident. “I’d give you a hug, but…”

We gave each other an air hug and so began the end of 2020 - with an act of kindness that put a smile behind both of our masks and in our hearts.

1977 Reads

Readers Comments

Patricia Jouve wrote: God bless you!
Mish wrote: Oh I am so mushy...tears fill my eyes reading this :)) Bless you all, twinner. ❤️
Rajni wrote: Sister Mindy, year 2020 gave us many surprises but your surprise to Marisha stands out. You did a wonderful job. Shukriya.
DANCE wrote: So generous and kind of you, thank you!!!
Dobby wrote: What a wonderful way to end 2020 for Marisa and bring the new year in with hope!
gardengal10 wrote: What a generous gift!
scully wrote: Thanks for making Marisa’s night wonderful, as pregnancy and having to serve tables must be very hard. How awesome, lovely place
janfour wrote: lovely - thank you

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