Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Gift Cards for Vets

--by mindyjourney, posted Feb 11, 2021
We stopped at fast food restaurant in Alliance, Nebraska, USA for a quick breakfast on our journey home.

We noticed a table of veterans drinking coffee while looking swanky in their veteran baseball caps. We bought each a $5 gift card and thanked them for their service to our country.

686 Reads

Readers Comments

mel37865 wrote: Wow. How great!!
vitalreiki wrote: Wonderful kindness to the veterans and all they have done to make a safer world. Blessings to you, Mindy. X
pluto178 wrote: Well done x
brindlegirl wrote: Wonderful and I admire your courage and bravery to approach them ♡
melnotes wrote: Where would we be without you! That is so wonderful and kind :)
guetv wrote: Beautiful gesture!

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