Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Unexplainable Gift At My Door

--by drjoybug, posted Mar 21, 2021
There was a time I had to count every single penny I spent. I had to keep a tally in my head while shopping. I would stand there and add things up over and over and over. There was this time during the holidays when I was shopping at Trader Joe’s because way back then they had the most gluten-free food and I had a toddler newly diagnosed with Celiac Disease. I stood in the frozen food aisle adding everything up.

The total was too high. I couldn’t buy everything. I didn’t want my card declined. I looked through everything trying to figure out what to put back. I kept everything everyone else would have loved, but put back the one thing I loved. It was a simple frozen package of chicken tamales. But that package was what put the total over budget.

I hated the feeling of not being able to afford that $3.29 package of tamales. But that was life and I moved on and forgot about it. It was what I had to do.

That night our doorbell rang. It was odd because it was extremely cold and late. I went to the door, opened it, and on my front steps were bags of food. On the top of the first bag, I saw the chicken tamales, the same kind hours before I had put them back.

I cannot describe the tears, the feeling of realizing that even in my aloneness I wasn’t alone. The feeling that I mattered. The feeling of gratitude. I still have no idea who put all of that food on my doorstep. My kids were so excited about all the goodies. At that moment I knew I was not alone.
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Readers Comments

Mish wrote: Love “See......Change a life” 🙏
CatEd1989 wrote: this catches the eye ;)
dotmatrix wrote: Beautiful story. ♥.
tloredo wrote: There truly is a world full of beautiful, caring, selfless people.

You happened to have found one (or should i say that they found you) and i can promise you this. They just wanted you to know that you matter, and that sometimes, we all need a helping hand. God bless.
Helenconnell2 wrote: What a beautiful story and i still have tears in my eyes from reading this!
Rajni wrote: We are never alone. God is always with us, if we notice or not. Anonymous gift is the best way to give. It doesn't create inferiority complex in the heart of the receiver. It definitely was god who sent bags of goodies at your doorstep using someone as his instrument.
Marlene wrote: I

Wow! This is charity in the making! If only more of us could see the possibilities to help another.
Sandra wrote: This the most touching true story i've read in a long time - i have been in your shoes so i understand how you felt both in the store and at home when, and after, the ringing of your doorbell. God works his miracles in all sorts of ways. This time he used someone else's compassion to bless both the giver and the receiver. I personally have done something similar, in that twice the person ahead of me in line at a store had to ask the cashier to put something back because the total $ was more than they had - it was a simple fix: i in turn asked the cashier to ring up those purchases and give the person the sacks of groceries, but put the bill on my grocery tab along with my purchases. It was a blessing to both of us, actually even the cashier acknowledged that it was heartwarming to see there are still people in the world who care about others. I think you either had an angel with you while shopping or god placed someone in your path that knows what it is to be a good samaritan. You and your family matter every minute of your lives. Consider it a blessing to your anonymous donor and a blessing to your family. Enjoy the tamales! Sorry this was so long, but your story touched my heart.
drjoybug wrote: Finally. A good ending.

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