Stories of Kindness from Around the World

A Kindness Idea to Remind People That They Matter

--by iferlamb, posted May 1, 2010

I received the most exciting message today!  My kindness idea was selected!

I am going to make up some baskets complete with "You Matter" and Smile Cards and take them to local retirement homes.  I will ask a staff member to give the resident most in need of this gift while explaining to them the idea of paying forward the kind act for someone else.

I hope this will start a kindness "epidemic" in the retirement homes that I take the baskets to.  This is just my way of telling them that they are not forgotten and they matter!

Thank you HELPOTHERS!!


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Readers Comments

josietn wrote: Awesome!
jsmc10 wrote: This is a lovely idea, i'm sure it will boost the mood of the residents, making sure that they know that there are people out there thinking about them and care about them
kayakool wrote: <3
kayakool wrote: Congrats! Good luck!
rabc wrote: Love your idea,very sweet, god bless!
Jacinda wrote: WOW!!! Iferlamb that is AWESOME!! Congrats :) I'm so happy for you!! :) I'm sure you will do a FANTASTIC JOB! Here is lots of smiles for you :) :) :) Lots of love and smiles, Jacinda :)
flowergirl wrote: what a beautiful idea ,so many old folks are forgotten about and you will make such a difference ,love and peace flowergirl
sydney wrote: That's great that you were selected Iferlamb!! What a great idea! I'm sure that it will totally make those old people's days!
Could you post a picture of when you give it one of the old people?
MakeSomeoneSmile wrote: That is awesome! I know you will have a great time and make a wonderful difference for many!

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