Stories of Kindness from Around the World

An Angel on the Train

--by Rajni, posted Apr 15, 2021
I was on a train heading into Sydney where a middle-aged man experienced a mental distress episode.  It made those around him extremely uncomfortable.

A young woman sitting near me started talking to him to make sure he was OK. The two of them spoke for about 10 minutes. The lady showed such compassion and empathy towards this complete stranger.

Not only did she calm him down and help him come to the decision to seek assistance, she stunned those of us sitting in the immediate area with her kindness and humility.

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Readers Comments

Christine88 wrote: That's beautiful. I experienced the exact same situation last week on a bus. However, i didn't go to speak to the young man. I was sorry after that i didn't. I'm glad this lady did.
25rallymarliere wrote: Be nice to everyone
Rajni wrote: I posted the story. I was not the one who was in the train.
mindyjourney wrote: A calming force 🙏
scully wrote: Angels are everywhere
dotmatrix wrote: ♥.

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