Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Quarantine as Kindness

--by Brad2, posted Apr 29, 2021
I am currently in isolation after having close contact with someone who tested positive for the UK Variant of Covid-19. I'm on day nine of fourteen and counting down the days until I can get cleared to go back to work. 

Choosing to stay home this entire time and not add to the problem, should I have this virus, is the best kindness that I can think of right now. I have my guitar, piano, books and art supplies to keep me busy, plus, movies and sports on TV. I tested negative on my last test, two days ago.
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Readers Comments

unknown wrote: May you love yourself until the day you're free to go out 💗🌺
mindyjourney wrote: Good to hear you are doing ok and thank YOU for the self-isolation! Art supplies...what have you been creating lately? Blessings of comfort for those that grieve 🙏 🇬🇧.
Mish wrote: Take good care of yourself, Brad. Sending you good energy. Peace.
DANCE wrote: Thank you for being mindful and staying safe
gardengal10 wrote: Take care of yourself, Brad.
pluto178 wrote: Stay well and enjoy your foreced time out...........x

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