Readers Comments
unknown wrote: lambie, I want to stick one in the library since I always see one of those taps need attention. So, maybe I shd do this and alert the authorities to do something about this poor tappie ... thanks for the inspiration, smiles together :):)
unknown wrote: hey lambie, I have shared my experience dear :) plz check it out :)
myfbil wrote: What were the ways you listed to conserve water? Thanks for the post!
Have a sunshine day! :)
Have a sunshine day! :)
irishgirl wrote: Hi iferlamb, i was out of town when you sent your message to me; if you've got any cards left i'd love to be part of the fun. Do you have perhaps a 2 of clubs? I love the ways to conserve water idea by the way.
ellen Benedetto wrote: Where are the new decks? I only see them as virtual cards. Are they available to purchase as well?
David wrote: You can charge a small printing fee (donation) for each deck sold to cover the costs, and sell them. There are a lot of peolple like me that would gladly pay for such a deck.
sydskies wrote: That sounds funny, i like the person who took it and hope they took it for a good reason. It sounds like something i would do. So don't be discouraged. I also ordered a deck of those cards and can't wait for mine
Zevelina wrote: Nice, use those cards and write again :)