Stories of Kindness from Around the World

A Small Act for the Security Guards in Our Village

--by mnc_91, posted Jul 30, 2021
KindSpring has always been a home for a wandering me. An inspiration, a reminder to always be kind in the smallest of ways.

So here's a little act of caring for the security guards of our village. Masks to protect themselves from the harm of covid-19 and to let them know that loving kindness is more viral than the disease.
456 Reads

Readers Comments

Balou wrote: Great idea! Thank you for reaching out to them!
mindyjourney wrote: Good to hear from you, my friend! Agree, KS is hOMe for all, esp for for us who wander 🏡. A thoughtful gift for guards! Thank you.
Mish wrote: Hi there 😊. Well done 👍
unknown wrote: Always handy now ☺️
bluebuddha wrote: This is a wonderful idea! Thank you!
dotmatrix wrote: Really kind of you!
Rajni wrote: You learned the real message the Corona Pandemic taught us and put it in action; help others in our capacity. We all know the wise saying " No Act of Kindness, No Matter How Small, is Ever Wasted" You did a wonderful job.
scully wrote: Great stuff👏👏

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