Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Six Hours to Help

--by innerjourney, posted Jun 21, 2010

Today, I went to the passport office to get my passport renewed. Even with doing some of the renewal online, I still had to wait like six hours to submit my application.  Feeling a bit frustrated by that, I decided that instead of getting annoyed, why not help people fill out their forms. Most of the people who were there were either elderly or not from the country, and needed extra time with the forms in their non-native language. I was happy helping them with their forms in any way that I could. All of them were very appreciative but the greatest happiness was seeing them smile when they were able to successfully submit their applications. 

The 6 hour waiting time turned out to be so much better than I expected because I had an opportunity to help others...I  walked out, passport renewed and a happy man!



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Readers Comments

MadeUSmile wrote: You couldn't have handled it with more grace! I'm sure your help was so much appreciated! Very good!
blissinme wrote: Patience and being in the moment. That is all there is.
success wrote: Very nice! Talk about turning lemons into lemonade. :)

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