Stories by innerjourney (5 matches)

Helping A Hungry Women

I was on a holiday to the Bay area. On a cold, rainy day, me and my uncle went to have some fast food.  While we waited for our order to be delivered, I watched a women who came in and sat in a corner. She just sat there. I thought she was just there to take cover from the rain. A few minutes passed and I had a feeling that she must be hungry and may be didn't have any money to buy food. I just went close to her and asked her if she was hungry and that if I can buy her some food. She replied in the affirmative. So I got her some food and gave the $10 that I had with me and told her that she can have it.  I could see her face light up with smile and just before I took leave of her she ... Read Full Story >>

5650 Reads

Live As Though Everything Is A Miracle

The following passage is a healthy prescription of how we can approach life. It is not about being famous or being wealthy or about our good looks. Truly, it is all about love. There are times when we feel as if we are separated from the rest. This illusion creates a mental prison. Hence, we should strive to internally liberate ourselves by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living things. "Open your heart to others and try to understand, When someone reaches for you, hold out to them your hand, Follow your heart, no matter what other people say, Do things that make you able to smile throughout your day, Treat other people, the way you would like them to treat you, Do what you know is right and to your heart and self stay true, Remember what life is all about, it is how you make people feel, What you do, where you go, and making dreams become real, Helping people through, in hard times of ... Read Full Story >>

5368 Reads

Sundae In Dallas

  I got back to Dallas yesterday after a two week trip and  the first thing that hit me was the scorching heat! A forty degree change in temperature, almost hitting a hundred degrees Farenheit.    On top of that the apartment's air conditioning went bang and wouldn't work any more.    On the plus side I also got my package of Smile cards today, so I decided to use some of them right away.    My friend and I went to have an ice cream at our favourite store. Once we had placed the orders I told the man behind the counter I wanted to pay for an extra ice-cream sundae and told him to give it to the next person who asked for one, along with the smile card.   We were still enjoying ours when we saw the next person get their free sundae. And it was delivered with a smile card too!    It was worth it ... Read Full Story >>

2865 Reads

Six Hours to Help

Today, I went to the passport office to get my passport renewed. Even with doing some of the renewal online, I still had to wait like six hours to submit my application.  Feeling a bit frustrated by that, I decided that instead of getting annoyed, why not help people fill out their forms. Most of the people who were there were either elderly or not from the country, and needed extra time with the forms in their non-native language. I was happy helping them with their forms in any way that I could. All of them were very appreciative but the greatest happiness was seeing them smile when they were able to successfully submit their applications. 

The 6 hour waiting time turned out to be so much better than I expected because I had an opportunity to help others...I  walked out, passport renewed and a happy man!



2293 Reads

To The Dentist With Love

So after six long months, my date with the Dentist finally comes to an end.  Yes people, thats where I spent  every weekend of my last six months healing my four front teeth in the upper jaw. It all started 2008 December with a fall that left one of the teeth half broken exposing the roots and slightly reshaping the adjacent ones. A root canal was performed and the three adjacent teeth were ground, and a crown placed protecting it. It was an expensive affair but the office took care of the bills.  Exactly a year later, one of the teeth from the same area started giving me sharp pains and I soon found myself standing before a Dentist - another one this time as I had quit office and moved back to school. She just took one look at it and declared all the three teeth are dead. She was at ... Read Full Story >>

1948 Reads

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