Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Sending A Thank You Note

--by Helenconnell2, posted Sep 13, 2021
I was a jump ahead on this one this week. Our favourite coffee shop - Caffe Nero in Leeds closed its doors earlier this week before we had a chance to thank the staff for all they've done in the last few weeks. So I went on the chain's website and chose compliment and sent an email thanking them for what they do and have done. I got a lovely email a couple of days later from their head office thanking me for my time and assuring me the staff would hear about it.

So I will give some thought as to who I can send a similar note to this week.
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Readers Comments

mindyjourney wrote: Thank you for doing, dear helen. A kind note of appreciation means so much and how wonderful to hear back from the head office :))
janfour wrote: so very nice
rajni wrote: Buying coffee and drinking it as morning routine is one thing and brewing aroma of gratitude in your heart with it is another thing. The latter stands out. Thanks for showing gratitude in different way.

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