Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Community Bonds

--by whisperlove, posted Sep 11, 2021
I am incredibly blessed because I live in a major city and have been living on a block that has had an active yahoo group for over 10 years. Unlike most people here we have created a very local community just on our block. We've organized soup nights, block parties, community gardening projects, food deliveries for convalescing neighbors and connected in other ways.

During the shelter-in-place times, we checked in with each other often.

We offered to shop for the older neighbors and brought food to a neighbor who seemed to have a mild case of the virus (finally recovered, tg).

We have held a Happy Hour Dance Party in Place Friday evenings, which has been lovely!

And of course, making ubiquitous sourdough starter and sharing that. I made sourdough banana bread with peanut butter chips and chocolate which was out of this world.

Other neighbors organized "stuffed animal hunts" for
families on walks, where they put stuffed animals by their window to be visible from the street for kids to spot.

Being part of this micro-community has been a source of tremendous comfort. I hope everyone finds a connection within new (or old) circles.
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Readers Comments

cabbage wrote: This reminds me of our neighborhood :-) so happy that you shared all the ways of finding connection in our micro-local communities! During these times it is a huge blessing.
Joserra wrote: Beautiful! Very resonant with my friends story! Love it!
lisajoy86 wrote: Wonderful idea for how to create and sustain community in these odd times.
mindyjourney wrote: Wonderful community! And such great ideas re stuffed animal hunts, Friday dance parties...humankind is so very creative and resilient 😊.
dotmatrix wrote: This is SO COOL. ♥.
gayuks wrote: wow!!!
rajni wrote: To me it looks like Dream Team in action. You all really bring the famous Bible saying " Love Thy neighbors" in action. People of all ages get involved and benefited. May other communities get inspired to follow suit.
Lizita wrote: Yes it's wonderfu! Do you live in the Laurel District, Oakland? We are too extremely connected. We moved into an already connected community (for over 30+ years). The previous owners of our home asked that we continue the legacy of hosting neighborhood parties...we happily adopted the legacy and have added "mexican/Indian" spices to the gatherings activites..The emergence of pride in our multicultural neighborhood has been incredible!!!
whisperlove wrote: Actually, we are in San Francisco, not a place known for its warmth (figuratively and literally). Soup Night was inspired by a Sunset article about a woman looking for ways to connect with her new neighbors in Berkeley:

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