Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Warm Thanks for Veterans

--by myfbil, posted Oct 9, 2021
I am currently collecting and making afghans and shawls and collecting toiletries for our veterans in a nursing home. So far, I have 35 afghans and 10 shawls as well as various other items. These will be used as Christmas gifts for the veterans. I put out the word to let others know I'm collecting so hope to have many more by the end of November.
461 Reads

Readers Comments

mindyjourney wrote: Love this initiative, my friend! How many years have you been doing and how many items you think you’ve collected through the years? Thank you!
Mish wrote: This is so wonderful!!! Bless you for doing 🙏❤️🙏
pluto178 wrote: What a lovely thing to do x
dotmatrix wrote: Great going! ♥.
gardengal10 wrote: Gift-giving from the heart
myfbil wrote: I don't always remember to keep track from year to year but my best estimate is well over 700 afghans, plus toiletries and other incidentals.
I couldn't do this alone. It's definitely a team effort - I ask and others come through.
Balou wrote: Bless you!
fairykats wrote: What a wonderful endeavor!
Rajni wrote: You are doing a very good job of collecting Christmas Gifts for veterans. I wish you great success.
Helenconnell2 wrote: Great idea!

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