Readers Comments
Mish wrote: It takes a village, for sure ðŸ™. With you both all the way, twinner.
gardengal10 wrote: Beautiful kindnesses
Rajni wrote: Kindness reciprocates with compassion and gratitude in its own way. Hospital staff did a very good job of giving MisterM needed help. and care. You dearly deserved kindness from your sister, Brother-in-Law and others.
lt33 wrote: Glad mister Mindy surgery went well and that you had an awesome kind team by your side hope has a quick recovery + well needed rest 😀
unknown wrote: Universal Love given and received 🎊🎉🎊
pluto178 wrote: I was amazed at the extent of the kindness when I had mine done they knew what was ahead and where with you every step of the way ………even in the middle of the night such a level of kindness that was amazing x
Balou wrote: They are far too often taken for granted ... thank you for recognising their effort, their empathy, their kindness, their high work ethics ... no wonder all tried to give you back at least a tiny bit of kindness 😉 ... continuing good healing for Mr.M!
Balou wrote: .... and what a wonderful gift to you from your sister and brother in law! Made me smile when I read it!
petroskryf wrote: Wishing Mr M a full recovery! And so grateful for all the kindness you both experienced.
fairykats wrote: Wonderful that you both experienced such kindness and goodness. Some hospitals are having troubles with staff shortages due to mandatory health policies. Others are being over-run with the side effects of the COVID injections. I am grateful that you both were treated so well.