Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Sharing Knowledge With Children

--by kmbhai, posted Dec 19, 2021
I had an interactive session with children to give something, and to learn something. It was very a nice time with the children where I taught them subjects like Mathematics and English and they taught me how to live happily all time.

I am thankful ful for the children.

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Readers Comments

Christine88 wrote: That is beautiful
dance wrote: Thank you so much, teaching is one of the greatest ways of giving
Balou wrote: They can teach us so much if we listen and take them serious. And thank ypu for providing them with new and interesting things to learn as well!
mindyjourney wrote: Thank you for always making a positive difference, dear kmbhai, and for encouraging children to learn :)
unknown wrote: God bless children 🙏
Helenconnell2 wrote: Children are wonderful teachers when we let them!
Mish wrote: Bless you all, Kmbhai 🙏
Rajni wrote: May you be blesses with more opportunities to teach children and learn something new from them too. You are doing a very good job.
pluto178 wrote: To be a child all of our lives is a gift x
petroskryf wrote: I agree with Helen. Thank you for sharing your skills with the children.

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