Stories of Kindness from Around the World

A Walk In The Park

--by NoOnesNME, posted Dec 23, 2021
A guy at the park I walk in, set up a table with free water and Gatorade for the passersby. He shared God's word on a speaker, and some of the smoothest jazz I've heard in a while. I sat near by, listened, and observed. He generated lots of smiles, and waves. People thanked him, and shook his hand. It was a chilly morning but this kind man's warmth radiated all around. He spread generosity, and I'm grateful to share it with the community.
559 Reads

Readers Comments

cheeka wrote: Thank you for sharing
Arte wrote: Kindness is real joy. Happy holidays 🎄💫❤
Arte wrote: Kindness is real joy. Happy holidays 🎄💫❤
Mish wrote: Feeling the vibe. Thank you 🙏
mindyjourney wrote: Spreading and sharing kindness and warmth :). Thank YOU for sharing too 😊
Rajni wrote: You walked at the right time to enjoy music, Thanks for sharing.
FARnanny wrote: I can feel the warmth and kindness all the way over here in the UK. Thank you for sharing. x
michelelpurce wrote: i think you met a star in our wonderful world. :)
dance wrote: How kind

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