Stories of Kindness from Around the World

A Beautiful Morning With A Generous Gardener!!

--by kmbhai, posted Jan 7, 2022
Today morning I got an opportunity to help a gardener (an old man), in cleaning the field in order to grow new plants. It was a very beautiful way to begin the day for me. While I was walking near the farming field, I saw this old man pulling out the grass and weeds. I entered the field and asked him if I could help. He agreed and gave me a grass cutter.

I started cutting the grass and cleaned up to 200 sq. meter area. It was such a joy to work with him. He shared with me many interesting stories from his life. He also offered me some fruits and vegetables for which I was very thankful.

Grateful to the gardener in all of you.
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Readers Comments

lindariebel wrote: Nature heals and connects.
mindyjourney wrote: Literally, planting seeds of kindness and harvesting connection and friendship! Thank you, dear kmbhai, for following your heart with your helping hands 🙏.
Mish wrote: A very special kind time shared. Bless. 🙏
pluto178 wrote: Sounds like a heavenly day x
Rajni wrote: KMBhai, you did a very good job of helping farmer. You got exercise as a bonus. Your kindness is commendable.
drjoybug wrote: KMBhai, you are awesome
petroskryf wrote: Thank you for helping that special old man. Sowing seeds of kindness indeed. 🌼🌼
Helenconnell2 wrote: Sounds a wonderful day!
Butterkind wrote: very helpful act
butterkind wrote: Helping hands with a loving heart.

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