Stories of Kindness from Around the World

🎄 Dad’s Christmas Tree

--by mindyjourney, posted Dec 29, 2021
Every time I see an outside pine tree decorated with holiday lights, I remember the kindness of my father-in-law's neighbors.

When Dad was in at-home-hospice care during the holidays, confined to the back guest room-turned medical center, his bed faced the neighbor's hedge of bushes and a huge pine tree.

When the neighbors found out that it was Dad's view, they decorated the tree with so many colored lights that it nearly lit up the whole backyard.

No one else could really see or appreciate their Tree of Light from that vantage point, except for Dad, lying in his bed, preparing to transition.

Time slowed and everything became washed in the glow of peace, as it does in those special moments of pivotal events. I’m so grateful that Dad, and all of us who visited, had those lights to help guide us through a challenging time.

Many thanks to each of you who choose to light the darkness. Your kindness and guidance ripple out in unforeseen, yet wonderful ways.

*Reposted with loving memories and gratitude.

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Readers Comments

FARnanny wrote: Such a beautiful symbol of the kindness of others and of the incredible impact it can have on those we love. I hope that you find joy in fond memories of your dad. Sending love x
Tanya wrote: What a lovely thing to do. What a touching story. I'm glad the lights from the tree 🎄 helped bring peace for this family.
Tanya wrote: What a lovely story glad the neighbours put lights on the tree 🎄 for this family. I'm glad this tree 🎄 gave the family peace & that this kind gesture has given the family happy memories in that as a family they spent the time with their father-in-law &:family to be their for his transitioning.
Candace Young-Schult wrote: What a beautiful story and loving idea.
lindariebel wrote: May we all be surrounded by such humankindness when we transition.
Mish wrote: 🙏🎄🙏
SissyLee wrote: Wow. What a beautiful story. thank you for sharing it.
pluto178 wrote: Now that is an amazing act of kindness x
Rajni wrote: We all know the famous Bible saying "Love Thy neighbors". This sure is not for eyes to read only and mind to memorize but it is for heart to act. The neighbors who lived by the above saying are celebrating real Christmas The spirit of Christmas is giving, giving pleasure to your Dad by neighbors.
fairykats wrote: Lovely

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