Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Imagine! May’s Calendar Girl 🐴

--by mindyjourney, posted Jan 22, 2022
The Black Hills Wild Horse Sanctuary is now open to the public by appointment only, so I called ahead about stopping by to purchase more 2022 calendars.

After discovering that the Choctaw pony - Imagine, whom I sponsor annually for my birthday (and had the privilege to name) was May’s calendar girl, along with her mother Tahiyah, of course I needed to have a few more to share!

“How many calendars do you want?” asked Susan, the president, and executive director of the Sanctuary?

I thought for a moment, basking in the sun-drenched office, where Susan and 2 staff members were busy addressing the paperwork needed to operate the 11,000+ acres of sanctuary for hundreds of horses. Through the bank of windows, I could see a herd of horses off in the distance.

“Four. No. How about five?” I replied, trying to do the math in my head on how much that would be. “Do you take a check? Oh, I forgot my checkbook!” I laughed. “Credit card?”

Susan straightened the small stack of calendars and offered, “How about we give you these calendars. They are our largest introduction into the awareness of our mission.”

Feeling that nudge, I took a deep breath and counter-offered. “How about if I donate to the Hay and Cake Fund?”

We all smiled, feeling that mutual circle of kindness, of giving and receiving, that came full circle.

That’s how it is when we lead with our hearts, my kind friends. We encourage and support each other in our missions to make this a better world.

We even got to see Imagine on our drive out, with her distinctive markings and “medicine hat,” she was easy to spot. All grown up and bigger than her mother now. She was happily grazing in the same herd I had glimpsed while in the office.

Imagine! Wild and free to run…

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Readers Comments

Balou wrote: What a beautiful photo ... and a powerful kindness!
unknown wrote: Pluto's so funny 😋😋😋
kmbhai wrote: Very good sharing. Thanks..
petroskryf wrote: A lovely story! Thank you for sharing. 💓
greenurlifenow wrote: Awesome! 👏👏👏👏
scully wrote: Lovely horses and thanks for all the inspiration you give us all
Mish wrote: Beautiful on many levels & what a wonderful photo 💕
unknown wrote: Imagine ... Beautiful name. Thank you for offering yourself generously 💗
pluto178 wrote: So beautiful it takes your breath away………I hope you didn’t whizz out your cheque book to pay for the hay lol. X
gardengal10 wrote: Such a clever exchange of kindness.

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