Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Taking Advantage of Offers on Behalf of others

--by Helenconnell2, posted Apr 30, 2022
Today, I checked the supermarket app and they have put a new offer on there for this weekend. It's for clothing in their range. I don't need any clothes at the moment so I am going to purchase something for a baby or small child and give it to the foodbank for a family who might need it.
546 Reads

Readers Comments

ado wrote: This is amazing. Thank you for doing it.
mindyjourney wrote: And what did you purchase for the small child? :)
pluto178 wrote: Great idea.x
Mish wrote: Bless, Helen 🙏
unknown wrote: Simply Superb 🙂
cheeka wrote: So thoughtful of you to help a child and a family who might need clothing. thank you
Rajni wrote: I agree with cheeka.
dotmatrix wrote: Very kind. ♥.

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