Stories of Kindness from Around the World

😊 Treat Yourself And Volunteer!

--by mindyjourney, posted May 14, 2022

I volunteered to give out treats at the Center for the children’s community Easter walk yesterday evening.

Oh, what FUN!

🐰 With each “Hoppy Easter!” as we dropped a treat into their complimentary bags. We were rewarded with smiles, thanks, and return wishes, not only from the children but the parents/guardians as well.

That’s what volunteering does, it gets us out of our own heads and into the encouragement of others, which helps us in return.

And those children are so adorable! One family even had a strolling minstrel guitarist accompanying them 🎶.

462 Reads

Readers Comments

dotmatrix wrote: So cute.
gardengal10 wrote: What a group of cuties!
SissyLee wrote: Lovely!
pluto178 wrote: Looks like huge fun x
janfour wrote: CUTE!!!!!
unknown wrote: Pink is the colour of the heart and you made the colour a verb 🙏
Mish wrote: Pretty in pink 🌸
Rajni wrote: Happy Easter to all. Volunteering to make treat bags will make Easter happier for all who will get it. You did a very good job.

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